Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil and Three Ways to Use Lemon grass

Lemongrass is one of the most popular herbs used in Asian cuisine. Its special citrus aroma and mild taste make it standing out for wide range of food and drink preparation. Lemongrass has a nickname “fever grass” in some cultures. They used the leaves to make “fever teas” to lower fever. Lemongrass essential oil has proved having many medicinal benefits since it contains high concentration of citral.

I am going to introduce the Top Five Uses of Lemongrass Essential Oil based on published research. At end of the blog, you will know Three Ways to Use Lemongrass.

Five Uses of Lemongrass Essential Oil (LEO)

1, Candida Albicans

LEO is proved to be effectively against a wide range of microbes that cause disease. The oil has been used as antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial agent on many situations. A cell study run by a Japanese group presented evidence for inhibition of Candida Albicans. This study shed light on potential value of LEO for the treatment of oral and vaginal candidiasis.

2, Inflammation

LEO has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In a recent study, showed the lemongrass oil can control inflammation. The essential oil can be used to reduce edema and inflammatory in tested mouse.

3, Type 2 diabetes

LEO has been found to have potential applications of managing type 2 diabetes. An animal study reported that the citral in lemongrass essential oil may help to maintain accurate insulin level and improve the tolerance level of glucose by the body. However, more research is needed to be done for better understanding of its effects on human population.

4, Arthritis pain

Arthritis and other inflammatory diseases are treated with LEO. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, lemongrass essential oil is believed to be able to aid with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. A recent study examined the effects of LEO on 30 people with rheumatoid arthritis, aged 35 to 70. Every participant received three milligrams of lemongrass essential oil to use daily for 30 days. The individuals gradually reported experiencing less discomfort.

Another study tested the effects of using lemongrass oil as massage oil. Lemongrass Oil helps headaches and arthritic pain when applied locally, diluted with a carrier oil. In an animal model of arthritic pain, citral produces analgesia in arthritis through neurochemical processes.

5, Mosquito repellent

A study tested efficacy of using lemongrass essential oil to prevent mosquito bite on bird. High concentrations (20%, 25%) in carrier oil provided 100% protection lasting for 1 h. Lower concentrations from 1 to 15% also exhibited total repellency. The 1% and 5% oil sustained more than 50% repellency for 3 h. the 10–25% gave > 90% repellency protection over the same period.

Interesting finding through the study is citral at 15% showed repellent effects that were comparable to those of 5% lemongrass oil. This tells those other compounds within lemongrass essential oil provide synergistic effects to improve the repellency.

Best three lemongrass extracts to use daily

1, lemongrass tea or infusion

infusion of 2-3 leaves in 250 or 500 ml of water. Lemongrass tea is a diuretic with minimal impact to our body.

2, lemongrass hydrosol

Use pure hydrosol with no additives. Add a teaspoon of hydrosol into a cup of water, drink it daily for three weeks and pause for a week.

3, lemongrass essential oil

Dilute it in carrier oil before using it. Use it as massage oil to help reduce joint pains and headache.

Disclaim: the information is for education only and shall not be used for treatment, diagnosis and any other medical uses. The blog is IP of leotalkherbs LLC.

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