How to Make Coffee and Coconut Lotion at Home (Step by Step)

Okay. After published the video of making coffee and coconut lotion video, (Click the link will lead you to the YouTube video) I kept receiving messages from the audience showing their interest in knowing more details. Rather than answering each email, I think writing a blog can be a more efficient way to give very clear instructions.

First, when I said “coffee”, it is actually “coffee hydrosol”. That is why the lotion is in a beautiful white color rather than the dark brown coffee color.

Why do I use coffee hydrosol?

Before I answer this question, let me give you a quick explanation of what is hydrosol.

Hydrosol is also called herb distillate. It is the water phase product from distillation. Within hydrosol, there are water soluble, volatile compounds extracted from herbs, for example, caffeine from coffee, and a small amount of dispersed essential oil that is only happening with fresh-made hydrosol.

Good, volatile (small) molecules go into hydrosol, but not-that-good large molecules, such as color and sugar, don’t go into hydrosol. This is the reason!

Coffee & Coconut

After tens of my experiments, I found coffee and coconut has a perfect match. Their smells work so well together. One is strong; the other is calm. This makes a wonderful combination.

Not only aroma but also their benefits work out!

Within coffee hydrosol, caffeine delivers coffee aroma as well as its benefits to the skin.

1, Antioxidants, protect skin cells from UV radiation and damage.

2, Anti-aging and wrinkle-smoothing, improve skin brighter and tighter.

3, Flush out excess fluid, and it may give your eyes a less puffy appearance.

On the other side, coconut oil has many benefits including antibacterial, anti-inflammation, and wound healing. It can help moisturize skin, keep skin clean and even help control acne.

How to make such a good thing?

Step 1: Make your fresh coffee hydrosol

Use coarse coffee powder. Fresh blended coarse coffee powder is the best because it contains more essential compounds.

Take your LT3000 or KD5 distiller out and do steam distillation then make the fresh coffee hydrosol.

Step 2: Prepare and measure each ingredient in a separate container for lotion making. It is better to use a glass container. If a glass container is not available, metal is okay.

The recipe is as follows:

  • Coffee hydrosol: 300 mL
  • Coconut oil: 100 grams
  • E-wax: 20 grams

You can add other oils, such as jojoba, olive, and sweet almond seed oil, into the coconut but keep all oil together is 100 grams. You can also add glycerin to oil.

Step 3: Use a shallow pot and fill water in to set up a hot tub. Leave two containers in the hot tub. One container is the water phase, which is the coffee hydrosol, and the other is the oil phase, which is the coconut oil and e-wax. Heat both containers to 65 degrees Celsius (149 Fahrenheit).

Step 4: Pour oil into hydrosol and use a hand mixer to mix them well. Keep mixing till they show one consistency phase.

Step 5: Move the mixture out of the hot tub and let it cool in the air. After its temperature goes below 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), add a preservative to the lotion. I am using Leucidal Complete which is a broad-spectrum protect as well as against fungi and mold. For beginners, you want to start with 4% which is 16 ml in this recipe. After adding the preservatives, use a hand mixer to fully mix it well with the lotion.

Let it cool down to room temperature. Wait for your good thing to happen!

During the process, you expect to see its thickness change from liquid to loose to thick lotion.

At last, bottling it! Remember to use sanitized bottles. It is very important to keep your good stuff safe longer before you consume it all.